Not in Service Sites

Not in Service Periods for Sites

You can now specify Not in Service Periods for entire sites.

Along with the site, all of its equipment will be marked as not in service for the same time period.

If you are using our Operate and Schedule features, you will also be given the option to pause a recurring schedule for an activity and/or allow activities to be recorded during the Not in Service Period, for both the site and it's equipment.


See below for procedure

After tapping the Continue button, you are then prompted to select the options for the different equipment activities on that site.

Once complete, you will see the resulting Not in Service Period on each piece of equipment, as well as the site itself.

Note: If a recurring schedule is not paused, that likely means it should still be recorded during the Not in Service Period, thus, Allow activity to be recorded while not in service? should be checked

Click here to see how to create Not in Service Periods for individual pieces of equipment.

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