Better Messages and Error Handling

Better Messages and Error Handling

After successfully saving a schematic, a green Last Saved date stamped message will appear above the toolbar.

If any schematic changes occur after a schematic has been saved, a red Unsaved Changes message will appear above the toolbar.

If an error occurs when trying to save a schematic, a red Error Saving date stamped message will appear above the toolbar. If the saving error was caused by a piece of equipment, an additional message will appear displaying the error reason. After closing the error message the error causing equipment will be selected and highlight so the error can be resolved.

Example: Tank was dragged from the Sidebar to the schematic editor area. The Tank's property menu was closed before giving it a Surface Location. Trying to save the schematic would produce the following error message:

After clicking the OK button, the TANK equipment will be selected and highlighted on screen so you can easily fix the error by assigning the TANK a Surface Location. After doing this and saving, the green Last Saved message will appear